Assistenza e riparazioni in tutta Europa eseguite da Veritek
Come Veritek può supportare il mio business?
Assistenza tecnica onsite
Recandosi nelle vostre sedi nel mondo, i tecnici di Veritek forniscono un servizio rapido, professionale e affidabile per la manutenzione pianificata o riparazione guasti, nonché per installazioni e/o aggiornamenti.
Helpdesk e Assistenza
I nostro supporto telefonico può essere attivo 24/24 e 7/7. Si tratta di un supporto multilingua e i nostri tecnici hanno acceso immediato ai sistemi, in modo da fornire immediata assistenza sulle vostre attrezzature e risolvere velocemente le problematiche.
Con i nostri tecnici dislocati in tutta Europa e formati direttamente dai produttori, ovunque ci sia necessità, il team di Veritek è in grado di fornire: riparazioni on-site e/o presso la nostra sede, ricambi, sostituzioni per tutte le vostre attrezzature.
Affianchiamo i marchi e le aziende più affermate nel mondo per mantenere il loro succeso
Oltre 100 tra produttori e utilizzatori di attrezzature ogni giorno si mettono in contatto con Veritek per ricevere assistenza e supporto per le loro apparecchiature tecnologiche.

HP premia Veritek per lo straordinario impegno e supporto
Veritek è stata premiata per il suo ‘straordinario impegno, servizio e supporto’ da Hewlett Packard. Andrew Light, manager di Veritek GmbH, ha dichiarato: “E’ un grande onore essere premiati come service provider. In qualità di service provider per conto di aziende leader nei vari settori (photo imaging, cinema digitale ed arti grafiche) cerchiamo sempre di […]
With Veritek we have one point of contact for large teams of highly skilled engineers across Europe – they are very easy to do business with and have grown to be an important service support to our graphics markets. Repeatedly, Veritek has demonstrated its flexibility and adaptability in terms of servicing a wide array of graphics presses, managing peaks in demand efficiently while also offering value for money.
EMEA GSS Operational Development Manager, HP Graphics
The case for partnering with Veritek was compelling given their UK wide number of engineers and support infrastructure, all aimed at delivering faster responses and enhanced customer satisfaction whilst offering value for money. The project management has been exceptional, particularly in the area of significant volumes of ophthalmic equipment installation.
Head of UK Business, Topcon
Our key aim was to provide a uniform, effective and efficient service to all our digital cinema customers across Europe - we chose Veritek for its expertise and geographical coverage. Through Veritek we provide a pan-European, multilingual NOC (helpdesk) with pro-active monitoring, remote resolution and helpdesk support across all Sony Digital Cinema 4k installations in Europe, on-site support for Sony screens, preventative maintenance anda reliable break/fix service.
Vice President, Sony Digital Cinema 4K Solutions for Europe and the America
Veritek was selected for the quality of its NOC and on-site support services, along with its track record of non-competing services which achieves near 100% SLA adherence. We have trained Veritek engineers to the same high standards as GDC’s engineering teams to ensure our industry-leading hardware and software solutions - coupled with our own direct service delivery fulfilled by Veritek’s service and support - offer exhibitors a complete solution, simplifying operations and enhancing the customer experience.
Chairman and CEO, GDC Technology Ltd
By providing a first class repair facility for warranty and non-warranty projectors; Veritek adds even more value to our customers over the long life of their Barco product
Customer Care Manager Barco UK & Ireland
Fujifilm have worked with Veritek for many years as its preferred ‘outsource’ provider for the installation and maintenance of the company’s range of Photo equipment. We trust our Veritek engineers to carry out warranty work on our behalf to exacting standards. Veritek will always be at the forefront of service as they keep a keen eye on all technical support developments. We're delighted to have them as a working partner.
Director, Fujifilm
In September 2014 we embarked on the biggest upgrade of Photographic equipment for over 15 years - a complex multi layered project, it involved the removal and installation of approx. 3000 kiosks in around 900 stores. At all times Veritek demonstrated an amazing level of flexibility and their whole team demonstrated an exceptional level of technical knowledge, and operated with a totally professional approach. The result achieved was beyond our expectation.
Category Manager, Boots